maandag 22 december 2014

via BBC-news : hoopvol bericht voor de toekomst , ook van kankerpatiënten

NHS DNA scheme to fight cancer and genetic diseases

A new genetics project could help "unlock a series of secrets about devastating diseases", the NHS says.
Under the scheme, 11 Genomics Medicine Centres are being set up in English hospitals to gather DNA samples to help devise targeted treatments for a wide range of diseases.
It is focusing on cancer and rare genetic diseases.
The aim is to sequence 100,000 genomes within three years in order to develop new tests and drugs.
Doctors will offer suitable patients the opportunity to take part in the scheme.
They will have to agree to have their genetic code and medical records - stripped of anything that could identify them - made available to drugs companies and researchers.
Up to 25,000 cancer patients will have the genetic code of their healthy tissue compared to the genetic code of their tumour.
A giant game of spot-the-difference will then take place to identify the precise mutations in DNA that are causing a patient's tumour.
This would allow targeted medicines to be developed.
Genetic code Previous genetics research has shown how different cancers can be - for example that breast cancer is not one disease but at least 10 - each with a different cause and life expectancy and each needing a different treatment.
And the development of targeted drugs such as Herceptin - given only if a patient's breast tumour has a certain mutation - has been possible because of genetics research.
Meanwhile, 15,000 patients with rare diseases will have their genome compared with those of their parents and grandparents.
Thousands of genetic diseases - which are individually rare but combined affect large numbers of people - could be identified by finding mistakes in the three billion pairs of letters that make up our genetic code.
The resulting knowledge could give patients an explanation for a disease that has plagued their entire life.
Prof Graeme Black, who will lead the project in Manchester, told the BBC: "It's possible to sequence an individual's entire genetic make-up, their genome, in merely a few days where five years ago that was completely unimaginable.
"Therefore it's possible for conditions where there's a possibility that it's genetic, that we can identify genetic causes much quicker than had been imagined previously."
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woensdag 17 december 2014

eindelijk toch ook een adres in Europa !

Gelezen dat een Zwitserse arts zich toch ook onze aandoening onderzoekt. Hij doet wel geen consultaties. Misschien moet ik via An, in Bern, even navraag doen of zij meer kan te weten komen. Ze werkt tenslotte in de medische sector

dinsdag 2 december 2014

men geeft ons toch altijd een sprankeltje hoop

the Brain research foundation publiceerde volgend bericht op hun site :

A Study of Provocation and Treatment of HNPP
2008 Seed Grant
Raymond P. Roos, M.D.
University of Chicago

Charcot-Marie Tooth (CMT) comprises a group of inherited peripheral neuropathies. One form of CMT called hereditary liability to pressure palsies (HNPP) is manifest by recurrent episodes of traumatic or compressive peripheral neuropathies.  HNPP is caused by a deletion of a myelin gene called PMP-22.  It is known that vitamin C decreases the expression of PMP-22 and progesterone increases its expression.  The thrust of this application is to investigate whether vitamin C ingestion can influence (and worsen) HNPP clinical disease and whether progesterone can be used as a treatment of HNPP.  The study will test the effect of vitamin C and progesterone treatment on the clinical and pathological disease of an HNPP mouse.

There is presently no treatment of any form of CMT.  The findings of this proposal may have important implications regarding our understanding and treatment of HNPP.  As a result of this study, HNPP patients may be cautioned about excess vitamin C ingestion. In addition, the findings of the present study could lead to a clinical trial with progesterone in HNPP patients.
- See more at:


A Study of Provocation and Treatment of HNPP
2008 Seed Grant
Raymond P. Roos, M.D.
University of Chicago

Charcot-Marie Tooth (CMT) comprises a group of inherited peripheral neuropathies. One form of CMT called hereditary liability to pressure palsies (HNPP) is manifest by recurrent episodes of traumatic or compressive peripheral neuropathies.  HNPP is caused by a deletion of a myelin gene called PMP-22.  It is known that vitamin C decreases the expression of PMP-22 and progesterone increases its expression.  The thrust of this application is to investigate whether vitamin C ingestion can influence (and worsen) HNPP clinical disease and whether progesterone can be used as a treatment of HNPP.  The study will test the effect of vitamin C and progesterone treatment on the clinical and pathological disease of an HNPP mouse.

There is presently no treatment of any form of CMT.  The findings of this proposal may have important implications regarding our understanding and treatment of HNPP.  As a result of this study, HNPP patients may be cautioned about excess vitamin C ingestion. In addition, the findings of the present study could lead to a clinical trial with progesterone in HNPP patients.
- See more at:


A Study of Provocation and Treatment of HNPP
2008 Seed Grant
Raymond P. Roos, M.D.
University of Chicago

Charcot-Marie Tooth (CMT) comprises a group of inherited peripheral neuropathies. One form of CMT called hereditary liability to pressure palsies (HNPP) is manifest by recurrent episodes of traumatic or compressive peripheral neuropathies.  HNPP is caused by a deletion of a myelin gene called PMP-22.  It is known that vitamin C decreases the expression of PMP-22 and progesterone increases its expression.  The thrust of this application is to investigate whether vitamin C ingestion can influence (and worsen) HNPP clinical disease and whether progesterone can be used as a treatment of HNPP.  The study will test the effect of vitamin C and progesterone treatment on the clinical and pathological disease of an HNPP mouse.

There is presently no treatment of any form of CMT.  The findings of this proposal may have important implications regarding our understanding and treatment of HNPP.  As a result of this study, HNPP patients may be cautioned about excess vitamin C ingestion. In addition, the findings of the present study could lead to a clinical trial with progesterone in HNPP patients.
- See more at:


A Study of Provocation and Treatment of HNPP
2008 Seed Grant
Raymond P. Roos, M.D.
University of Chicago

Charcot-Marie Tooth (CMT) comprises a group of inherited peripheral neuropathies. One form of CMT called hereditary liability to pressure palsies (HNPP) is manifest by recurrent episodes of traumatic or compressive peripheral neuropathies.  HNPP is caused by a deletion of a myelin gene called PMP-22.  It is known that vitamin C decreases the expression of PMP-22 and progesterone increases its expression.  The thrust of this application is to investigate whether vitamin C ingestion can influence (and worsen) HNPP clinical disease and whether progesterone can be used as a treatment of HNPP.  The study will test the effect of vitamin C and progesterone treatment on the clinical and pathological disease of an HNPP mouse.

There is presently no treatment of any form of CMT.  The findings of this proposal may have important implications regarding our understanding and treatment of HNPP.  As a result of this study, HNPP patients may be cautioned about excess vitamin C ingestion. In addition, the findings of the present study could lead to a clinical trial with progesterone in HNPP patients.
- See more at:


A Study of Provocation and Treatment of HNPP
2008 Seed Grant
Raymond P. Roos, M.D.
University of Chicago

Charcot-Marie Tooth (CMT) comprises a group of inherited peripheral neuropathies. One form of CMT called hereditary liability to pressure palsies (HNPP) is manifest by recurrent episodes of traumatic or compressive peripheral neuropathies.  HNPP is caused by a deletion of a myelin gene called PMP-22.  It is known that vitamin C decreases the expression of PMP-22 and progesterone increases its expression.  The thrust of this application is to investigate whether vitamin C ingestion can influence (and worsen) HNPP clinical disease and whether progesterone can be used as a treatment of HNPP.  The study will test the effect of vitamin C and progesterone treatment on the clinical and pathological disease of an HNPP mouse.

There is presently no treatment of any form of CMT.  The findings of this proposal may have important implications regarding our understanding and treatment of HNPP.  As a result of this study, HNPP patients may be cautioned about excess vitamin C ingestion. In addition, the findings of the present study could lead to a clinical trial with progesterone in HNPP patients.
- See more at:


A Study of Provocation and Treatment of HNPP
2008 Seed Grant
Raymond P. Roos, M.D.
University of Chicago

Charcot-Marie Tooth (CMT) comprises a group of inherited peripheral neuropathies. One form of CMT called hereditary liability to pressure palsies (HNPP) is manifest by recurrent episodes of traumatic or compressive peripheral neuropathies.  HNPP is caused by a deletion of a myelin gene called PMP-22.  It is known that vitamin C decreases the expression of PMP-22 and progesterone increases its expression.  The thrust of this application is to investigate whether vitamin C ingestion can influence (and worsen) HNPP clinical disease and whether progesterone can be used as a treatment of HNPP.  The study will test the effect of vitamin C and progesterone treatment on the clinical and pathological disease of an HNPP mouse.

There is presently no treatment of any form of CMT.  The findings of this proposal may have important implications regarding our understanding and treatment of HNPP.  As a result of this study, HNPP patients may be cautioned about excess vitamin C ingestion. In addition, the findings of the present study could lead to a clinical trial with progesterone in HNPP patients.
- See more at:

zondag 2 november 2014

Multiple Myeloma My Way: Neuropathy Is A Pain

Multiple Myeloma My Way: Neuropathy Is A Pain: That's not a complaint. It is a description. The heels of my feet have gone to sleep. That's neuropathy [ nu-rop-a-thi ]. It comes...

neuropathie is een pijn !

gelezen op een blog van iemand met kanker en gelijk heeft men !  Zo had ook een vriend na zijn chemokuren ook veel last van neuropatische pijnen. Hij weet het aan de chemokuur. Of dit zo is ? Wellicht wel, maar hij is van die pijn verlost ....hij is niet meer !!!

....That's not a complaint. It is a description. The heels of my feet have gone to sleep. That's neuropathy [ nu-rop-a-thi ]

bron :

woensdag 15 oktober 2014

vitamine b-12 injecties ?

Zou dit helpen ? Deze therapie bood men aan in het kuurhotel in Tsjechië, waar we toevallig gelogeerd waren deze zomer. Nu neem ik alvast vitamine B-12, maar dit gaat wellicht nog een stukje verder. Ik las op de FB-groep toch ook over iemand die met dergelijke injecties geholpen is

zondag 14 september 2014

zonder medicijnen lukt het niet meer

En die medicijnen zijn niet de minste :

The main medications recommended for neuropathic pain include:
  • amitriptyline – this is also used for treatment of headaches and depression
  • duloxetine – this is also used for treatment of bladder problems and depression
  • pregabalin and gabapentin – these are also used to treat epilepsy, headaches or anxiety
Voor mij betekent het dat ik dagelijks Lyrica, topamax en panadol slik, naast een onstekingsremmer.
Daarbij moet ik dan mijn "maag" beschermen en komt er dus nog een maagbeschermer bij.

Aanvullend neem ik vitamine B12 en probeer ik "zonlicht" te vangen zoveel als ik kan, want anders moet ik het vervangen door vitamineD

nog eens alles op een rijtje

een mooi overzichtelijk artikel :
Hereditary neuropathy with pressure palsies (HNPP) is an inherited nerve disorder that typically causes numbness, tingling and muscle weakness. 
It affects one or more of the peripheral nerves, which connect the brain and spinal cord to the muscles and to the sensory cells that detect touch, pain and temperature.
HNPP is thought to affect between 1 in 50,000 and 1 in 20,000 people in the UK. Other terms for it are "entrapment neuropathy" and "compression neuropathy".
It is just one of many inherited conditions that damage the peripheral nerves, which are collectively known as Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease.

What are the symptoms of HNPP?

HNPP ranges in severity  some people get no symptoms at all or find it a minor nuisance, while others are so badly affected they can't even move the affected limb.
Most people with HNPP have attacks of numbness, tingling and muscle weakness in:
  • the leg or foot – which can make walking, climbing stairs and driving difficult or impossible, and can result in foot drop (inability to lift the front part of the foot because of muscle weakness)
  • the elbow, wrist or hands – which can result in "wrist drop" and loss of sensation in the index finger and thumb (symptoms similar to those of carpal tunnel syndrome), making fine movements such as fastening buttons impossible
These symptoms happen because the layer of protein covering and protecting the nerve (the myelin sheath) is faulty. For more information, see What's the cause?
Some episodes last just a few minutes, while others can last months.


Symptoms can be triggered by simple actions, usually:
  • squashing the nerve  by leaning on an affected arm, for example 
  • repetitive movement  you may be able to do an activity one day without problems, but find it increasingly difficult if the same activity is continued many days in a row (you're thought to be damaging more and more fibres inside the nerve each time) 
  • stretching the vulnerable limb

Progression of the disease

HNPP is not life-threatening. How severe it is and the way it progresses can differ greatly from person to person.
Symptoms usually start in the teenage years or 20s-30s, although they can sometimes develop later in life or in childhood.
Some people start off with mild symptoms, or episodes in one particular area that come and go.
About half of people with HNPP fully recover after experiencing symptoms, never to have another episode, as the nerves have rebuilt their protective covering.
But the nerves don't completely recover for everyone with HNPP. For some people, the nerve only partially heals after being damaged, and they are left with recurrent or permanent nerve symptoms and muscle problems. However, these symptoms are usually mild, and it's unusual to be left with a severe disability.

What's the cause?

We need two PM22 genes, one from each parent, for the normal development of the peripheral nerves. These genes provide instructions for the creation of PM22 protein, which makes up the protective outer layer of each nerve. This outer layer, which is a bit like the plastic coating that insulates a wire, is called myelin.
In HNPP, one copy of the PM22 gene is lost (deleted) so that people have only one copy of this gene. A person with HNPP will have inherited a faulty copy of the PM22 gene from one of their parents.
With only one normal PM22 gene, their myelin is fragile and more susceptible to injury. Just the slightest pressure, stretch or repetitive movement on the nerve causes sections of the myelin to be lost, leading to muscle weakness  or "pressure palsies". Signals cannot be relayed to and from the muscles properly.

How is it diagnosed?

A diagnosis of HNPP is based on symptoms (such as recurrent loss of sensation in one particular area), evidence of a family history and electrical nerve tests. A genetic test will confirm the diagnosis.

How is it managed?

There's currently no cure for HNPP, but some of the symptoms can be treated, and lifestyle changes can make a huge difference.

Lifestyle advice

If you can feel any warning signs (such as tingling), stop what you're doing to try to prevent further damage to the nerve.
It's wise to avoid:
  • prolonged sitting with crossed legs
  • leaning on elbows, resting the backs of arms on a chair or having someone rest on your arm
  • repetitive movements of the wrists or elbows
Make a note of the sorts of activities that trigger symptoms and change the way you do them next time  for example, use a machine or tool to do the work, or get someone to help you.
An occupational therapist can advise on ways you can best carry out day-to-day activities.
Physiotherapy is not usually needed. A damaged nerve needs time to repair itself, so if you have muscle weakness, carry on using the limb just enough to keep the blood flowing to it to help it heal, but go easy and don't push it.
If you're overweight, now may be a good time to lose the weight  if the disease gets worse, you may find it difficult to be active.

Orthoses, splints and protective pads

People with foot drop or wrist drop may benefit from an ankle-foot orthosis or wrist splint, which can be worn at night.
Protective pads for the elbows and knees may prevent the nerves from being aggravated.
A foam pad on top of the mattress may also lessen pressure on the affected nerve.

bron :

vrijdag 28 februari 2014

28 februari : zeldzame ziekten -dag

Wanneer spreekt men over een zeldzame ziekte?
Zeldzame ziekten vertonen een aantal typische kenmerken:
• Men spreekt over een zeldzame ziekte wanneer deze 1 op 2000 mensen treft. Het merendeel van deze ziekten komen nog minder voor, slechts 1 op 100 000 mensen.
• Tussen 5000 en 7000 zeldzame ziekten zijn tot nu toe geregistreerd, waardoor in totaal 6 tot 8% van de bevolking getroffen wordt. Daarom spreekt men van de "paradox van de zeldzame ziekten", die uiteindelijk allemaal samen niet zo zeldzaam zijn!
• 80% van de zeldzame ziekten is van genetische oorsprong. Zeldzame ziekten kunnen ook een besmettelijke (bacterieel, virus), allergische, degeneratieve of proliferatieve oorsprong hebben.
• 75% van de zeldzame ziekten treft kinderen. De symptomen kunnen zichtbaar zijn vanaf de geboorte of de kindertijd zoals bv. amyotrophie spinale infantile, de neurofibromatose, onvolmaakte botvorming, lysosomale ziekten, chondrodysplasie of het syndroom van Rett. Maar vele andere zeldzame ziekten worden pas zichtbaar bij volwassenen zoals de ziekte van Huntington, de ziekte van Charcot-Marie Tooth, de laterale sclerose, ziekte van Kapose of schildklierkanker.
• De meeste zeldzame ziekten kunnen niet genezen worden. Behandeling van de symptomen is wel mogelijk, waardoor de levenskwaliteit hoger wordt en de levensduur kan verlengd worden.
• Het gaat om ernstige, chronische, evolutieve ziektes die vaak levensbedreigend zijn.
• Het zijn ziektes die een handicap veroorzaken, met een verminderde levenskwaliteit en een verlies aan autonomie.
• Het zijn ziektes waarbij pijn voor de zieke en zijn omgeving een belangrijke rol speelt.
• Patiënten met een zeldzame ziekte hebben allen te maken met gelijkaardige problemen: laattijdige of foute diagnose, gebrek aan informatie, psychologische stress, financiële zorgen en beperkte toegang tot aangepaste, kwalitatieve zorg.

Een referentiecentrum voor een zeldzame ziekte of een groep van zeldzame ziekten bestaat uit een multidisciplinaire groep van mensen die gespecialiseerd zijn in de behandeling van deze ziekte of groep van ziekten.
Ingebed in het ziekenhuis, garanderen deze teams aan patiënten – en ook aan hun naaste familieleden –dat ze de best mogelijke behandeling en begeleiding krijgen, zowel medisch, paramedisch, psychologisch als sociaal.
Elke persoon die te maken krijgt met een zeldzame ziekte, kan er niet alleen alle nuttige informatie over de ziekte krijgen, een passende en multidisciplinaire behandeling en opvolging, maar ook een psychosociale begeleiding om zo het welzijn van hem en zijn omgeving te verzekeren.

De aanbevelingen voor een nationaal plan voorzien - op termijn - de oprichting van expertisecentra voor het geheel van zeldzame ziekten. Toch bestaan er nu al 21 

Misschien maak ik het ook nog mee...maar ik hoop er niet veel op  !

zaterdag 11 januari 2014

nog steeds op zoek naar het voor mij geschikte geneesmiddel ... zou dit het zijn ?

Chinees kruidencomplex verlicht ontstekings- en neuropathische pijnen
UCI studie toont verder aan dat deze nieuwe pijnstillers niet verslavend zijn.
Van een verbinding afgeleid van een traditioneel Chinees geneeskruid is gevonden dat het effectief pijn verlicht. Deze ontdekking zou wel eens de weg kunnen wijzen naar een nieuwe niet verslavende pijnstiller voor acute ontstekingen en zenuwpijnen, volgens 'UC Irvine' farmacologie onderzoekers.
Samen met Chinese wetenschappers isoleerden Olivier Civelli UC Irvine en zijn collega's een stof genaamd dehydrocorybulbine (DHCB) uit de wortels van de plant Corydalis yanhusuo. Bij testen op knaagdieren bleek DHCB ontstekingspijnen te verminderen geassocieerd met weefselbeschadiging en de infiltratie van immuuncellen en door verwonding veroorzaakte neuropathische pijn ingeleid door schade aan het zenuwstelsel. Dit is belangrijk omdat er momenteel geen goede behandelingen voor neuropathische pijn bestaan.
Bovendien vonden de onderzoekers dat DHCB geen tolerantie genereerde bij langdurig gebruik zoals bij de meeste conventionele pijnstillers waaronder morfine.
"Vandaag vecht de farmaceutische industrie om nieuwe geneesmiddelen te vinden. Eeuwenlang hebben mensen kruidenmiddelen gebruikt om talloze gezondheidsproblemen waaronder pijn aan te pakken. Ons doel was om de identiteit van verbindingen te identificeren In deze kruidenpreparaten en zo nieuwe manieren te ontdekken om gezondheidsproblemen te behandelen, "zei Civelli, de 'Eric L. Lila & D. Nelson Chair in Neuropharmacology'. "We zijn verheugd dit beloftevol farmaceutisch middel te hebben gevonden. Het toont ons ook een andere weg om de pijnmechanismen te begrijpen."

Vertaling: Andre Teirlinck
bron :